I watched ‘PRISON BREAK’.
One day, a man named Michael Scofield committed robbery in a bank with his gun. But, the policemen went there at once, and he was arrested easily. Then, he was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. To tell the truth, Michael went to prison on purpose. His older brother Lincoln was also imprisoned in the same prison. He was called “sink” in the prison. His sin was that he murdered the vice president’s brother. He will receive the death sentence in May. However, Lincoln told Michael that he never killed vice president’s brother. According to their conversation, someone trapped Lincoln. I don’t know whether he said the truth or not. But, Michael believed him and decided to break him out of prison.
After that, Michael was taken to the head of the prison’s room. He doubted about
Michael. The reason why he doubted Michael was that Michael graduated from Loyola University second in his class. In addition, the head saw that Michael was a civil engineer. I didn’t know why he knew about Michael. He asked Michael to help him about a work of art. But, Michael refused it. Michael wanted to join prisoner work. At the first time, he was refused about that, but he finally joined the work. In fact, his
brother Lincoln also works there. Then, Michael told him that they escape from prison
certainly. However, Lincoln was confused, because he couldn’t understand how to
escape. Although Michael didn’t tell how to break out of the prison, he has a plan. To my
surprise, Michael has plans of the prison tattooed on his body. And the first episode
Michael Scofield looked so handsome and has a fine brain. I thought all the
occurrences were his calculation. After finishing final examination, I would like to
watch the continuation. I will watch in my spring vacation!(300words)