I read ‘The Contest’
Arachne was a talented young spinner and weaver. She had learned all the skills from her teacher Athena. Arachne made the most wonderful fabrics and tapestries. But, she is proud and stubborn character. She boasted to her colleagues about her wonderful works. Her colleagues don’t think it is not a good idea to boast her works. If it had a contest now, she would win she said. Then, the heat of the day died down. The sky grew dark and a wild wind whipped through the room. The workshop began to shake as if an earthquake was about to hit. As the shake stopped, Arachne appeared angrily in front of her. Then, they decided to have a contest. Arachne decided to weave a huge tapestry. Athena had also decided to make something quite different for her tapestry. A month later, Arachne and Athena have made a wonderful tapestry. However, the audience couldn’t choose which more wonderful tapestry is. After that, Arachne and Athena went into the room. There were no people in this room. They had a quarrel each other. Finally, Athena made Arachne into a creature using magic. Arachne had become a spider after Athena casted a spell on Arachne.
Arachne was so bad character for me. This story was strange, but I felt interesting. (220words)
Reilly, G. (2007). The contest. Thomson Learning.