Have you ever thought about the size of planets?
I told you the size of sun before, but this is the beginnig of the universe.
I introduce some stars that is larger than the sun. First, there is a star named Rigel. This star has diameter of about 97.440.000km. This is seventy times as large as the sun. Second, There is a star named Betelgeuse. This star has diameter of about
904.800.000km. This is six hundred and fifty times larger of the sun. Lastly, there is a star named VY Cephei. This star is the largest star that human kind have ever found. This star has diameter of about 2.800.000.000km. How can you imagine this size? Think of a passenger airplane flying along the surface of this star at 900km/h.
It would take about 1100 years to circle it one time. (This passenger airplane can cirle the earth about 45 hours.) This star is tirty thousand times as large as the earth. If the earth is a 1cm ball, this star is 2km ball! Yet it is a tiny part among
several hundred billion stars forming galaxy. (183words)
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