

My favorite drink

Hello I tell you about my favorite drinks. I like sweet taste drinks very much. For example, I like coffee, milk tea, cocoa, cola and so on. Though I like coffee, I don’t like black coffee. It is too bitter for me. When I drink instant coffee, I always put milk and sugar. I often buy a pack of coffee. I and my father drink it every morning. I also like milk tea. The milk tea that I often buy is Krin afternoon tea. It is so delicious. As I like chocolate, I like cocoa. I often buy Van Houten cocoa at convenience store. Last, I like carbonated drink. Especially, I like cola. I don’t buy carbonated drink frequent. When I sometimes drink cola, I feel so delicious. (128words)

1 件のコメント:

  1. I prefer black coffee. But I like milk tea too! It's nice to drink it when it's winter;)

