I will tell you about my favorite music. I often listen to music while I go to school and I have free time and so on. I like rock-music. My favorite artist is B’z. I tell about B’z. There are two people, Koshi Inaba and Takahiro Matsumoto. Koshi Inaba is in carge of vocal. Takahiro Matsumoto is guitar. They write words and compose all their songs. They came out in 1988. I wasn’t born in 1988. When I first knew B’z, I was ten years old. I was impressed the voice of vocal at first. It was very high voice and very good at singing. Then, I surprised about the skilled guitar. B’z is the artist that CD sold most in Asia. I am big fan of B’z now. I will support B’z from now on. (136words)
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