

My schedule

I’ll write about my year end schedule and the beginning of the year. First, I am going to go to part time job by December 29th. I have to do my remaining assignments in my winter vacation. I think school assignments are more important than my part time job. So, I will try to finish them by the end of the year.
Second, of course I will enjoy my winter vacation. My family and I go to my grandparents’ house in Kusunoki every year. My cousins, uncle and aunt also come to their house, we eat dinner together. The happiest event is to get Otoshidama from my grandparents.
Third, New Year’s Day of 2011, my family and I are going to pay a visit to a shrine. It is an annual event for my family. Then, we will visit my grandparents’ house in Nagamine. We will eat lunch there. When we back our home, I must drive my father’s car. I think my father will drink much alcohol there. We’ll eat dinner at my grandparents’ house in Kusunoki. I am looking forward to waiting! (184words)

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