

Reading Review No.3

I read a book named "The Cave" yesterday. There are five characters in this book, Faye, John, tyler, David and Daniela. One day they enjoy driving their boat. Tyler sees something. He shows it to his friends. There is a small cave and they go into the cave. The cave is so dark that everyone cannot everything. But they can get to land soon. Tyler lights a candle and John lights a flash light. Thanks to the lights,
they can see almost things. There are old books, newspapers, barrel, shark's teeth, chairs, tables, key and bed. They enjoy this cave. Suddenly, the boat moves because the flow of water is very fast and the water approach the land. However, Tyler isn't worried about it. He has found a long ladder. He showed everyone the ladder and he tells them that they can escape from the cave. Daniela and John clim up the ladder. They can get to the top of ladder. There is a old door. The can't open the door. Suddenly, Daniela remembered the key. It is exactly the passkey of the door. Then they can get out of the cave. After that, John said "Let's come back tomorrow and get the boat. This cave is great"! But Daniela disagee with what John said. (215words)

Reading Review No.2

I read "Pet Dog and Working Dogs" I thought that dogs are more excellent than human beings. So dogs are very good partner for us.
Pet dods can live inside.

Written by Lautour P. (2004) 9780732985233

Food/eating habits

My favorite food ischicken. Especially, I like Yakitori very much. I sometimes buy Yakitori and eat them. I also like sweets. I often go shopping only to buy some sweets.
I like chocolate, icecream, cake and so on.
I try to eat fermented soybeans and vegetable juice every day. These are very good for health. For example, when I eat them, I can get over fatigue soon. I will continue to eat them! (74words)


My favorite artist L'Arc~en~Ciel

I like L'Arc~en~Ciel very much. L'Arc~en~Ciel was formed in 1991. L'Arc~en~Ciel has four members, Hyde is vocal, Ken is guitar, Tetsuya is bass, Yukihiro is dram.
Hyde has good voice and very cool. They released 36 singles ever.

HONEY, winter fall, snow drop, HEAVEN'S DRIVE, neo universe, and so on. These are famous songs. (53words)



Have you ever thought about the size of planets?
I told you the size of sun before, but this is the beginnig of the universe.
I introduce some stars that is larger than the sun. First, there is a star named Rigel. This star has diameter of about 97.440.000km. This is seventy times as large as the sun. Second, There is a star named Betelgeuse. This star has diameter of about
904.800.000km. This is six hundred and fifty times larger of the sun. Lastly, there is a star named VY Cephei. This star is the largest star that human kind have ever found. This star has diameter of about 2.800.000.000km. How can you imagine this size? Think of a passenger airplane flying along the surface of this star at 900km/h.
It would take about 1100 years to circle it one time. (This passenger airplane can cirle the earth about 45 hours.) This star is tirty thousand times as large as the earth. If the earth is a 1cm ball, this star is 2km ball! Yet it is a tiny part among
several hundred billion stars forming galaxy. (183words)