

From Thursday to Saturday

Hello, I am going to write about my daily from Thursday to Saturday. I had a fever from Thursday to Friday. I woke up at seven o’clock on Thursday morning. I had a stomachache at that time. I took the first period class, but I was in poor health. My physical condition gradually became worse in the afternoon. After I took the third period class, my physical condition was the worst. I still had stomachache and I also had headache. Because I went to school by bicycle on Thursday, it was very hard for me to pedal it. I managed to get to my house. I usually arrive my home about thirty minutes, but it took over forty five minutes from school to my home. Then, I took my temperature. It was 40 degrees. I amazed to see that. I canceled my part time job at once and went to hospital. I was fed intravenously. After that, I have been sleeping on Friday morning. Although my fever wet down, I haven’t been feeling very well. So, I was absent from school on Friday. Since I took a lot of rests, I feel good today. The temperature of outside will be colder than before. I think I have to take care of my health more. (215words)

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