

My favorite days

Hello, I will tell you about my favorite days. Especially, there are three days that I like. First, I like On October 27th, because the day is my birthday. My parents took me to dinner. We usually eat out somewhere every my birthday. Second, I like New Year’s Eve. I and my family go to my grandparents’ house every year. And my cousins and uncle gather there. I got New Year’s gift from my grandparents and uncle at the night. Finally, I like New Year’s Day. I go to shrine with my family the day. I also go to my relative’s house. I want to drink alcohol at my relative next year, but I probably can’t. It is because, my father always drinks alcohol at my relative’s house. So, I have to drive to my house. But, I can eat a lot of foods from New Year’s Eve to New Year’s Day. I’m looking forward to waiting the days. (160words)

1 件のコメント:

  1. I've never thought about my favorite day.
    It's difficult to choose one!

